Hi all, the last year has been a doozy! I went back to school, my baby started pre-school, Dustin got a job as a pastor and tons of little stuff in between. I have never been a resolutioner, but I wanted to profess some goals and, yes resolutions, anyway. I have lots of goals but as I sit and reflect on the passed year, I am overwhelmed with feelings of doubt. I doubt I will get many of these done, I doubt it will end any differently… But I am going to profess them anyway. - Along with a praise or 2 for each!
Resolution 1: - FAITH - I want to dive into the bible more. I find myself so consumed with things I often forget to put God’s word 1st, and then I wonder why I am not understanding how to deal with situations which all goes together. - I PRAISE God for the works He continues to do in my life even though I forget about him, I quite often think to myself, "would I want to hang around me if I were God” The answer is always “No” so I assume God has to kind of like me right?
SOLUTION - Every night and every morning I will read 3 chapters
Resolution 2: - FITNESS - I have come to terms with losing weight slowly is the way to do it - So my resolution is 2lbs a month. This is VERY different as I have always been a binge dieter and it obviously doesn’t work. PRAISE - I am thankful that I have the ability to work out and an awesome gym that my children love and I do too! :)
SOLUTION - 1 Hour work outs/3 or more times a week and 1300 calorie diet :) - MORE water! Less fake sugars (Starting slow)
Resolution 3 - HOUSE -Stay Organized - I LOVE organizing but I am the worse when it comes to staying organizing! This year I am going to learn to put things back! PRAISE - I am thankful that I have a house to organize and things to organize. I am also thankful I can get rid of things easily.
Resolution 4 - WORK - Blog more, Dream less :) I am vowing to spend this year pouring life into my youtube vlog, Blog, and any other work (Photography) for the passion and not for the money. I tend to jump back in with dreams of making a full income someday with my passions (Which is doable) but I want to make sure that I am doing these things for the love and not for anything else. PRAISE - I am thankful that I have the time and talent to work in the areas I do and that I love them so much, I love that my children and family are apart of it and make it more fun!
SOLUTION - Blog and Videos 1-2 times a week. My new schedule = DIY Videos = FRIDAY Vlogs = Mondays and Blogs = Monday and Friday :)
So there you have it! Lots of fun resolutions!
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